Juice Goose iP 1520-RX – 20A Rack Mount Web Based Power Controller
The Juice Goose iP 1520-RX is a web (IP) based remote power control and distribution device that can be accessed via internet or intranet communications using Ethernet or RS232 connection. With this remote access, individual AC receptacles can be turned on and off and monitored for electrical current flow.
Patented RX Series power protection works against common mode as well as normal mode events. While it protects against dramatic surge events of up to 6,000 volts at 3,000 amps on hot and neutral (normal mode), it also limits ground line (common mode) surges to one-half (0.50) volt to prevent operating faults of digital processing equipment. Circuitry in the RX Series also protects against open ground, line-neutral reversal, high line voltage and high frequency interference.
• 20 amp capacity
• 3 individually addressable Power Pods (2 outlets each)
• 1 unswitched rear outlet
• Communicate via UDP, TCP/IP or RS232
• RX Series surge protection and AC line noise filtration
• Made in America